News Article

Senior Citizen and Veteran with a Disability Exemption Deadlines

This message is a reminder of the upcoming deadline for the Senior Citizen and Disabled Veterans
exemption programs. The deadline for counties to upload their exemption files to the Division of
Property Taxation's "County Portal" is September 10, 2024.

Please keep in mind that the Division is not able to grant extensions for this program and late or
incorrectly formatted files may result in loss of reimbursement funding to counties.

Plains Marketing LLC (PC103) Final NOV Omitted Property

This company was mentioned in the August 1 carline section of the protest summary, but the revised numbers were not on the county NOVs. Everyone should have the address already, and here is the final 2024 county apportionment, after a slight decrease to the July 1 county NOV:
Plains Marketing, LP PC103
C/O Indurante and Associates
1930 Village Center Circle
Suite 3, PMB 442
Las Vegas, Nevada 89134

Exemptions Determined by the Assessor

The Exemptions section of the Division of Property Taxation has seen an increase of non-qualifying applications for exemption that should be determined at the county level. Please be sure to review Volume 2, Chapter 10 of the Assessor Reference Library to determine whether an exemption should be granted by your office before you have an organization fill out an application with the Division of Property Taxation. In addition to the hassle of filling out an application, when filed with us the potentially exempt property owner must include the examination fee.

Requirements for Second 2023 Abstract of Assessment

The Division is tracking a recently introduced bill that directs counties to file a second, updated abstract of assessment for tax year 2023, HB24-1179, 2023 Property Tax Year Updated Abstract.

As introduced, this new bill creates a requirement for all assessors to file an updated abstract in order to take into account the changes the legislature made in Senate Bill 23B-001. Language in the bill says that the assessors’ offices shall file a copy of their updated abstract on or before February 20, 2024.

Local Government Reimbursement Reporting

Senate Bills 22-238 and 23B-001 require assessors to compile data and report it to the Division of Property Taxation by March 1, 2024. To aid in providing this data, the Division created a spreadsheet that will capture the necessary data. The link to the spreadsheet can be found on the DPT website.

2024 Media Releases

Enclosed is a sample public notice along with sample media releases for 2024. The notice and media releases may be used as written by filling in the blanks with the appropriate information, or they may be customized to meet your needs. Adjustments have been made for the 2024 statutory dates that fall on a weekend or holiday. The dates for real property are set assuming that the Real Property Notices of Valuation will be mailed on Wednesday, May 1, 2024. If the notices are mailed earlier than May 1, the date real property protests begin must be adjusted accordingly.