News Article

The El Paso Telephone Company (TR475) Changed Assessment

There was a change in value based on a District Court for the City and County of Denver settlement agreement, Case Number 2024CV32650 appeal resulting in a value reduction and apportionment change to the referenced property. The revised values are:

Lumen - Qwest Corporation (TL393) Changed Assessment

There was a change in value based on a District Court for the City and County of Denver settlement agreement, Case Number 2024CV32650 appeal resulting in a value reduction and apportionment change to the referenced property. The revised values are:

CenturyTel of Eagle, Inc. (TR473) Changed Assessment

There was a change in value based on a District Court for the City and County of Denver settlement agreement, Case Number 2024CV32650 appeal resulting in a value reduction and apportionment change to the referenced property. The revised values are:


CenturyTel of Colorado, Inc. (TR494) Changed Assessment

There was a change in value based on a District Court for the City and County of Denver settlement agreement, Case Number 2024CV32650 appeal resulting in a value reduction and apportionment change to the referenced property. The revised values are:

CenturyLink Communications, LLC (TL923) Changed Assessment

There was a change in value based on a District Court for the City and County of Denver settlement agreement, Case Number 2024CV32650 appeal resulting in a value reduction and apportionment change to the referenced property. The revised values are:

2025 Division Statistical Assistance

Time trending and performance evaluation analyses assistance is available through the Division for vacant land, residential improved, and commercial improved classes of real property. Counties requesting the Division’s assistance are advised to review this memorandum carefully. Please note that the Division’s assistance program is offered as a supplemental and complementary statistics review to the county’s internal work. This assistance is not intended to take the place of the county’s internal assessment statistics program. 

San Matteo 2025 Web Portal and Regional Audit Meetings

San Matteo Data Analytics is looking forward to working with you during what will undoubtedly be an eventful two years of legislative changes. Please save the date for our regional meetings: January 14th (Districts 3/6), January 21st (Districts 4/5), and January 23rd (Districts 1/2). These sessions will focus on the plans for the audit, due dates, and changes in 2025, but if you have a conflict, feel free to attend any meeting.

AT&T Communications, Inc. (TL369) Changed Assessment

There was a change in value based on a District Court for the City and County of Denver settlement agreement, Case Number 2024CV32634 appeal resulting in a value reduction and apportionment change to the referenced property.

The Colorado Division of Property Taxation

1313 Sherman St., Room 419
Denver, CO 80203


Phone: 303-864-7777
Fax: 303-864-7999
TDD/TTY: 303-864-7758

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