The State Assessed Properties Section values all public utilities and rail transportation companies doing business in Colorado. The company valuations are then apportioned to the counties for collection of the local property tax. The section conducts research projects in connection with state assessed companies, assists counties and taxpayers with inquiries on the assessment of public utilities and rail transportation companies, hears protests of the assigned values, and defends appeals of such valuations.
Current State Assessed Notices
Annual Statement of Property Forms
The following are Excel files that will download when you click the link.
- Annual Statement of Property (ASOP) forms made available at the Division of Property Taxation website.
March 20
- Preliminary cost of capital study available to state assessed companies on DPT website.
- Cost of Capital meeting - TBA
April 1
- ASOPs are due to the Division of Property Taxation (DPT). An extension to April 22 is granted with written or e-mailed extension request made no later than April 1.
- The mandatory late filing penalty is $100 per day, to a maximum of $3,000.
- Final cost of capital study available to state assessed companies on DPT website.
April 22
- ASOPs from companies which have been granted an extension are due to the DPT.
- The mandatory late filing penalty is $100 per day, to a maximum of $3,000.
June 5
- Courtesy Notice of Value (NOV) sent to state assessed companies.
June 5-19
- Informal protest hearings scheduled through June 22.
July 1
- First Notice of Value sent to state assessed companies and counties.
July 15
- Last day for state assessed companies and counties to file for protest.
July 20
- Formal appeal hearings scheduled no later than July 20.
August 1
- Final Notice of Value sent to state assessed companies and counties.
August 31
- Last day to file with the Board of Assessment Appeals (BAA).
September 6
- Last day to file with the Denver District Court.
- 303-864-7771
- Electrics-Major
- Electrics-Rural
Mark Walker
- 303-864-7772
- Private Carlines
- Telephones-fixed Base
- Telephones-Rural
- Water Companies
Michael Krueger
- 303-864-7792
- Electrics-IPP
- Renewable Energy Systems
Danny Oliver
- 303-864-7774
- Airlines and Railroads
- Telephones-Mobile
- Telephone-Resellers
Luke Ott
- 303-864-7793
- Pipelines-Fluid
- Pipelines-Distribution
- Pipelines-Transmission