County Portal Login

The DOLA-DPT County Portal is a secure web-based application that county offices use to file statutorily required reports and files with the Division of Property Taxation. Currently, the County Portal is used to upload files and reports for the Abstract of Assessment, Certification of Levies and Revenues, the Personal Property Exemption Reimbursement, and the Senior Citizen and Veteran with a Disability Property Tax Exemption programs. 

Portal Access

Please do not create an account or request access to a program unless your job duties require you to use the County Portal.

Every county staff member who must submit a report needs to complete the following to have access to the County Portal:

  • Create a username and password on the portal.
  • Ask for permission to access the particular program(s) they are involved in. 
    The first time a new user logs into the portal, they will have to request access to the individual program(s) they work with and will not be able to go further until the Division of Property Taxation has approved the request. 

Log Into the Application


For any questions, call 303-864-7777 or email dola_dpt_frontdesk@state.co.us.

County Portal Programs

Abstract of Assessment

The Abstract of Assessment is an annual report filed by every county assessor with the Property Tax Administrator per § 39-5-123, C.R.S.  The abstract contains the aggregate assessed valuation for the assessment of all property by class and subclass. It also reports parcel unit counts for each subclass of property and the assessed values by class for each school district and city and town located in the county.

Certification of Levies and Revenues

The Certification of Revenue and Levies is an annual report submitted by the board of county commissioners or other body authorized by law to levy taxes, or either group’s authorized party, to the Property Tax Administrator, Division of Local Government, the Department of Education and the county assessor per § 39-1-111, C.R.S.  For every taxing district in the county, the report contains information showing the entity’s assessed value, mill levies for various categories of expenditures, and its expected revenue from that levy.

Personal Property Exemption Reimbursement

The Personal Property Exemption Reimbursement program provides a backfill reimbursement to counties in Colorado for lost tax revenue created with the passage of HB 21-1312, which raised the exemption threshold for personal property tax from $7,900 to $52,000. County assessors and treasurers will create an account and file annually for this reimbursement.

Senior Citizen and Veteran with a Disability Property Tax Exemption Program

For the senior citizen and veteran with a disability property tax exemption program, county assessors exempt a portion of the taxable value of properties owned by eligible senior citizens and veterans with a disability.   The state treasurer's office reimburses the lost funds to the counties.  Each county assessor's office is required to file reports twice a year, and each county treasurer's office files once a year in order to receive reimbursement funds.  

This form should be used to report problems or issues with this website. Questions pertaining to a program or service provided by DPT should be addressed to contact information located on the specific program pages.

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