Exemptions Determined by the Assessor

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The Exemptions section of the Division of Property Taxation has seen an increase of non-qualifying applications for exemption that should be determined at the county level. Please be sure to review Volume 2, Chapter 10 of the Assessor Reference Library to determine whether an exemption should be granted by your office before you have an organization fill out an application with the Division of Property Taxation. In addition to the hassle of filling out an application, when filed with us the potentially exempt property owner must include the examination fee. If filed with us erroneously, we return the filing fee, which may take some time to work its way through our accounting system.

The most common applications we receive that are exempt by review of the Assessor are:

  1. Leases to State, County, City, Political Subdivisions, School Districts, and Special Districts.
    • An example of this would be a lease to a Charter School. Charter Schools are considered Public Schools by the Colorado Revised Statute, and any lease to a Charter School would be exempt through the Assessor’s Office.
  2. A Housing Authority with an ownership interest in a limited partnership.
    • We suggest asking any Limited Partnership whether a housing authority has an ownership interest before recommending an application be completed.

Please reach out to the Exemptions Section at 303-864-7780 if you have any questions or need clarification on Exemptions determined by the Assessor.